“Tell me by what angel
you are frustrated.” And he answered: “By the holy and
precious name of the Almighty God, called by the Hebrews
by a row of numbers, of which the sum is 644, and among
the Greeks it is Emmanuel. And if one of the Romans
appeal me by the great name of the power Eleéth, I
disappear at once.” I, Solomon, was astounded when I heard this; and I ordered him to saw up Theban marbles. And when he began to saw the marbles, the other demons cried out with a loud voice, howling because of their king Beelzeboul. From The Testament of Solomon Občasno stvari postanejo rahlo čudne. Mislim da se je Eleeth rodil, ko sem se celil od »Commotio cerebri«. »Commotio« je bil posledica nepojasnjenih dogodkov kateri so zgodba za sebe. Recimo samo to: |
nekoč prišel sem iz gozda ves krvav in razbit brez spomina, brez bolečin hodil sem do prve luči kot vešča, ki išče svetlobo nobena pomoč ni bila iskana nobena pomoč ni bila dana ljudje so samo gledali |
No z izjemo ene stare mame ob poti.
Ostali.. Kakorkoli ime se je pojavilo samo in je ostalo kot psevdonim. Šele precej let kasneje sem odkril edini zapis v katerem se omenja. Vsaj zapis kateri bi bil javno dostopen. A takrat tudi ni bilo več pomembno. Je že postal del mene in tistega kar sem. Eleeth |